Sunday, September 20, 2015

I had a dream last night

I had a dream last night that i walked up to a bar table and my parents were drinking beer
(let it be known that my parents are very against drinking)
Their cups were filled with golden liquid and had very long rubber straws sticking out.
There was a lady talking to them about being careful to not drink too much
She said "theres two sides: drinking till your numb, and drinking till it hurts."
I turned to my dad, made spirals in his straw,
I told him, "I hope you drink till it hurts"
He turned to me surprised and asks "Why would you say that??"
I told him that feeling pain is better than feeling nothing at all and walked away.


  1. THESE DIALOGE POSTS ARE THE BEST HUH???? seriously this was so good. a great idea for #different. (i don't know if thats what you were writing it for but it was a great idea)

  2. this took my breath away

  3. i cant tell if i have goosebumps because of this or the cold
    (i think its this)
