Wednesday, December 30, 2015


The heart begins beating at 4 weeks
after conception and doesn't stop till death.

Until I met you I was only
three weeks old.

The fetal heart rate is approximately 
twice as fast as an adults. 

Yours was going 72 
mine was going 146.

Plato theorized that reasoning 
originated in the brain, but that
passions originated in the heart.

You see, my frontal lobe
was FAR from developed.

The "thump-thump" of a heartbeat
is the sound made by the four 
valves of the heart closing.

Your thump-thumps kept
getting louder and louder.

75 trillion cells receive blood from
the heart. The only thing that doesn't 
receive blood is the corneas.

75 trillion cells receive blood
unless you tie a tourniquet, 
and you tied it all too close to me.

About 610,000 people die of heart
disease in the US every year. 
That makes heart disease
1 in every 4 deaths.

While making sure you were 
one of the 3, it got me 
a lot closer to being that 1.

Your heart beat changes and 
mimics the music you listen to.

I listened to you for hours on 
end, so it was no surprise when 
my heart sounded exactly like you.

Your heart beat changes and
mimics the music you listen to,
and your heart sounded 
nothing like me.

Because the heart has its own
electrical impulse, it can continue
to beat even when separated from
the body as long as it has an
adequate oxygen supply.

(help, I can't breathe)

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Nostalgia At Its Finest

I remember the first school talent show I was in.
Third grade.
Colten Simper told me I was the best one.

I remember Colten Simper. 
I remember he would chase me at recess and I would throw my shoes at him.

I remember the mornings when I was little, me and my sister would sit on the floor between the fridge and the pantry, and we would tell each other about the dreams we had that night. 

I also remember the day she got send to rehab. 
I don't remember the day she came back. 

I remember my first kiss and my first train ride and I remember the first time I saw my mom cry while she was giving me a talk about being nice to the other kids.

I remember laying in the snow for what felt like hours, watching the snow come down on me. 

I remember I was 7 when I flashed the neighborhood boys because they wouldn't get off my playset. 

I remember my aunts reading me Shel Silverstein on Christmas Eve. 

I remember crashing into a boulder on my bike.

I remember the school field trips when even the parent chaperones teased me. 

I remember my first time to the zoo.
I went with my dad and my second grade class  and he taught me how to play the alphabet game. 

I remember going to the zoo at 16 and still thinking it's amazing.

I remember the first time I cried at school was 7th grade when Garrison told me I was fat. 

I remember people being surprised when I tell them I'm not in college, I remember people being surprised when I tell them I'm not in 6th grade. 

I remember my first cheer competition and my first house and my first best friend. 

I remember back yard water fights and front porch fire works. 

I remember cuddling on the couch with my mom every morning. 

I remember forgetting to get off the bus in second grade and crying when I realized I missed my stop.
I remember the bus driver was really nice and he took me back home.

And I still remember thinking that my skin was all that I was worth.
And I still remember realizing I'm more than that.

   I remember,  
     I remember,
       I remember. 
          I'm scared I'll forget. 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Its all just a challange




Lonely can occur anywhere.
She was lonely in her car, 
lonely in her room, 
lonely in her thoughts, 
lonely in the sea of people. 
and she broke. 

You need to love her like she is something to be learned
for she is trapped in world you know nothing about
and love is the escape.

Back bones do break, but the things that are bending
now are her soul, her heart, and her ability to keep attending
but violence reports are pending
because she can't figure out how to tell you that her demons
are winning, that loading bar is spinning.

Death said now, she said I'm not sure how,
its all just a challenge and she doesn't 
think she will ever be the champion.