I know I'm a hurricane, but I
hope you can stand your ground while I tear everything up, I hope you try and
help me calm down. I hope that while my winds are blowing, you don't run away.
Instead, I hope you stay, I hope you let me know I'm important. I hope that
when I'm crying, you brush my hair out of my eyes, clean the tears from my
cheeks, kiss my forehead and tell me I'm beautiful. Im hope you whisper "I
love you".
I know I'm a hurricane, but
please don't give up on me. My winds will die eventually. I know I tend to mess
everything up and I'm always in the way. But if you stay a while, I promise you
will see that I am beautiful. But I've got to warn you, I'm a different kind of
beautiful. If you stay long enough, you will see and understand it. It's not so
much the kind of pretty you would normally recognize, I'm pretty in a different
way. I'm pretty when I pour my emotions
out at the piano. And although I didn't write the song, it seems as if it came
straight from my soul. I'm pretty when I dance in the mirror, pumping myself up
for a party of one. Im pretty in the way I think, and the things I can do, not
in the way my body is shaped. I'm pretty in the way I giggle for no reason, but
just because I'm happy to see you. I'm pretty in the way I bite my lip and
shake my hands to keep myself from crying. And when I do cry, I'm pretty in the
way my eyes turn the color of the ocean, I'm pretty in the way the tears
silently roll down my cheeks, and tickle as they fall off my chin. I'm pretty
in the way my mind works. I may not have the nicest body, the prettiest face,
or the long shinny hair, but I will love you with everything that I have.
I guess you weren't ready to handle my hurricane, because
while I was getting ready to say I love you, you were trying to figure out how
to say goodbye.

Loved the first paragraph. Nice.