The longest time I've ever had a best friend is one year.
One whole year of being a best friend with someone, that a really short time to be with someone when I remember that im supposed to be with one person for all of eternity.
Relationships are over rated,
how do people expect me to be best friends with someone for a whole eternity?
Like even if it's not eternity, even if we're only married for like 50 years, that is forever!
My parents have been married for 18 years and they don't fit anymore.
Married at 18 years old my mom didn't know who she was, she's different now she's figured out who she is and what she wants and that doesn't seem to be my dad.
I think that people should stay in each others life's until they no longer fit.
How do you expect people to fit together for eternity?
My parents don't fit anymore but what's holding them together is me and my three siblings.
My parents stay together because they think it will be easier for the kids.
But me watching my parents not love each other?
That is not easy.
This may be a really horrible thing to say, but sometimes I wish they would get a divorce.
Because I want them to be happy, and they don't make each other happy.
They don't dance in the kitchen anymore, they don't mean it when they kiss.
They probably don't mean it when they yell either, but they do that anyways.
It's been so long since I've seen them dance in the kitchen that I've forgotten what intimacy looks like.